15 Practical Effects That Still Hold Up
Even if a movie was made a few years ago the effects don’t always hold up to this day and there are often many cases of movies looking dated whether they use practical effects or CGI. I mean, we love Hitchock movies, but let's be honest, some of the effects aren’t the best. That being said, there are still a number of effects in movies that are absolutely timeless and despite being decades old, look better than some of the effects we see in modern movies. To do this these movies often use practical effects, going deep with their attention to detail and dedication to the craft to pull off a trick that looks visually stunning.
In this video we are going to take a look at a number of movies (newer and older) that opted to go the practical route and create stunning effects that still hold up today. From the villains in Spider-Man 2, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, the creatures of Harry Potter, the car chases in Mad Max: Fury Road, the spaceships in Star Wars, the Thing from…well…The Thing, the amazing plane sequence in Dark Knight Rises, the city landscape of LA in Blade Runner, the shark in Jaws to even the famous hallway sequence in Inception. These are 15 of the biggest and best practical effects seen on screen, how the movies pulled them off and why they still stand out today.
What did you make of this video? Which is your favorite practical effect? Any we missed? Let us know in the comments below and make sure to subscribe to the channel today for all this and more!
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0:00 Intro
0:29 Spider-Man 2
1:24 Inception
2:04 Star Wars
2:44 Jurassic Park
3:23 Harry Potter
4:15 Mad Max: Fury Road
5:07 The Dark Knight Rises
5:30 Terminator 2
6:03 Interstellar
6:31 The Thing
7:04 Blade Runner
7:57 2001: A Space Odyssey
8:32 Alien
9:05 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
9:35 Jaws
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Written by: Aiden M
Narrated by: Justin Freitas @JustinFreitasVO
Edited by: Guillermo A.
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