Actors Who Got Greedy, Then Got Fired
Advocating for a pay raise is tough in any profession, but it's especially difficult for an actor working with a network on a popular show. Sometimes actors have managed to band together for better pay, and occasionally a single star can act alone for a positive result, but this is not always the case. There are many examples of actors who've asked for more money, only to be fired and replaced for future seasons. The same thing happens in the movies when a popular actor assumes they'll be a shoe-in for sequels. You might be surprised how often this happens, actually. Here are actors who got greedy, then got fired.
#Actors #Fired #Money
Hilary Duff | 0:00
Crispin Glover | 1:12
Laurence Fishburne | 2:24
Bruce Willis | 3:25
Sean Connery | 4:26
Lauren Cohan | 5:42
Suzanne Somers | 7:00
Terrence Howard | 8:06
Robert Duvall | 9:11
Rob Lowe | 10:06
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