GoT Showrunners Reveal What Drogon Did With Daenerys' Body
Even in death, Daenerys Targaryen remains something of an enigma.
The assassination of Emilia Clarke's icy-haired, aspiring queen of dragons on HBO's Game of Thrones was a particularly shocking moment on a series filled with them. On the off-chance that you need a refresher, here's a bit of background: After Daenerys went mad and torched the capital city of King's Landing, she finally reached the Iron Throne.
But Daenerys never actually took her place as the ruler of Westeros. Before she could even so much as take a seat, her nephew-slash-lover Jon Snow - played by Kit Harington - assassinated her for the good of the realm. It was a choice that led to his banishment back to the Night's Watch, bringing Jon's story full circle.
Following Daenerys' death, her grieving dragon Drogon wasted no time torching the Iron Throne to the ground. Then, the fiery creature scooped up Dany's body and flew off to an unknown location.
Since the final Game of Thrones episode aired, many fans have wondered what exactly happened to Daenerys's body after she was killed. Where did Drogon take her, and what did he subsequently do to her? Now, these mysteries have been somewhat solved, thanks to the commentary track on the DVD release of the show's final season.
According to Entertainment Weekly, showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have finally revealed what Drogon did with Daenerys' body - or, at the very least, one big thing he didn't do with it. They've finally debunked the disturbing theory that Drogon actively ate his mother and master. You wouldn't do that, would you, Drogon?
In the commentary track, Emilia Clarke notes that she would have expected Drogon to simply eat the body of his former master, to which Benioff replied:
"Drogon's not going to eat you. He's not a cat. Did you see how gently he was nudging you?"
So that's good to know: Drogon didn't just fly away with Daenerys' body and dump it somewhere, nor did he ravenously devour the remains of his human "mother." At the end of the series finale, Samwell Tarly - played by John Bradley - notes where Drogon was last seen. Keep watching the video to see that the GoT showrunners reveal what Drogon did with Daenerys' body.
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