Jack Knife vs Poison Dagger #TheManWiththeIronFirst #Shorts
Jack Knife (Russell Crowe) fights Poison Dagger (Daniel Wu) and cleverly traps him in the gears.
Film Synopsis:
In 19th-century China, a stranger (RZA) settles in a jungle village and becomes its blacksmith. Radical tribal factions force him to fashion elaborate tools of destruction, and the clans' conflict soon erupts into a full war. Knowing he must take action, the blacksmith channels an ancient energy to transform himself into a human weapon. Fighting beside iconic heroes, the blacksmith harnesses this incredible power to defend his adopted people from an army of soulless villains.
Buy/Rent The Man With The Iron Fist Now!
YouTube Movies:https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=The%20Man%20with%20the%20Iron%20Fists+movie
Universal Pictures Home Entertainment:https: //www.uphe.com/movies/the-man-with-the-iron-fists
©2012 Universal City Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Cast: RZA, Russel Crowe, Lucy Liu, Dave Bautista
Directed By: RZA
#UniversalPictures #ManWithTheIronFist #RZA