Jason Momoa Has Seen The Snyder Cut Of Justice League
Justice League may have been released almost two years ago back in November 2017, but there's still plenty of mystique surrounding the film. Director Zack Snyder suddenly left Justice League in May 2017 as post-production was about to start, deciding to stay home and support his family after the death of his daughter, Autumn. Into the void stepped Avengers director Joss Whedon to complete the film. But according to those who worked on the movie, he didn't exactly pick up where Snyder left off, making drastic changes to the final product. The theatrical version of Justice League resulted in mixed reviews, but then came hope for DC fans in the form of the newsflash that Snyder, despite his departure from the film before completion, still has his version of Justice League.
That juicy little tidbit has had DC fans' tongues wagging, eager to see what has been dubbed "the Snyder Cut." It's been a long time waiting for an update on that cut, and while it seems increasingly unlikely the cut will ever be released to the public, there are some in higher circles who have been lucky enough to lay eyes on it. Jason Momoa, who starred in Justice League as the underwater superhero Aquaman, is one of that very elite group.
To Momoa's Instagram followers, this is old news, because the Aquaman star revealed back in August that the "Snyder Cut" was, quote, "ssssiiicccckkkkkk."
Earlier this month, Momoa was speaking to MTV News' Josh Horowitz when he revealed maybe a bit more than Warner Bros. executives will be pleased with. When Horowitz brought up a past comment Momoa made about the Snyder Cut of Justice League that being…
Though Snyder left Justice League before post-production started, Momoa seemed to hint that Snyder may in fact have completed his original vision for the film effects and all. After Momoa revealed he's already seen the Snyder Cut, Horowitz posed the question: Keep watching the video to see that Jason Momoa has seen the Snyder cut of Justice League!
#JusticeLeague #SynderCut #ReleaseTheSnyderCut