Mortal Kombat: Liu Kang’s Dragon Power Explained
The History Of Liu Kang's Dragon Power
From uppercutting people into pits to tearing out their spines, freezing them to death and impaling them with spikes, the long-running fighting game franchise Mortal Kombat has always been defined by its violence, and by seeming intent on topping itself with every single installment. And also including the occasional Friendship or Babality, but that’s not what we’re talking about at the moment. Now with a new movie on the way, it’s looking as if one of the series’ most iconic and crazy fatalities are finally going to get a proper big screen adaptation - that of Liu Kang’s infamous dragon move!
But what is it about this movie that is so special? Where exactly did it originate, how did it change over time, and why is it significant that it appears here? And more importantly, what has actually changed from his startling (and awesome) transformation that is commonly depicted in the games?
Sure, we can all just sit and gape in awe at the cool fire dragon, and I am sure we are all going to either way. But still, it’s fun to look back on these things, take a look at their origins and theorize a bit about what we can expect from the movie adaptation. So that’s what we’re doing. Get ready for a thorough breakdown of the infamous Liu Kang Dragon Fatality!
0:00 Intro
0:31 Origins of the Dragon Move
1:42 Changes over time
2:53 The Movie Version
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Written by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen
Narrated by: Justin Freitas @JustinFreitasVO
Edited by: Guillermo A
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