One Piece: The Decades-Long History Behind The Classic Manga Series
"One Piece" is one of the best-selling manga series of all time and arguably one of the most popular pop culture properties in the whole world. But how did this pirate manga become king of the stories?
#OnePiece #Anime #Manga
Inspired by Dragon Ball | 0:00
A crazy schedule | 1:05
Five years turned into decades | 1:51
Another Piece | 2:38
Romance Dawn | 3:15
A completely different pirate crew | 4:32
The real age of piracy | 5:32
Pandaman | 6:44
No flipping the bird | 7:22
Vicky the Viking | 8:10
A little bit of animation controversy | 9:02
The One Piece rap | 10:06
Monkey D. Luffy's drip | 11:43
Real-life inspirations | 12:11
Hungry Days | 12:56
The nationalities of the cast | 14:02
One Piece x Dragon Ball | 14:55
No eye patch? | 15:49
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