Original Dune Star Has An Ominous Warning For The 2020 Remake
Actor Kyle MacLachlan has a message for the filmmakers behind the upcoming adaptation of the classic Frank Herbert sci-fi novel Dune: Good luck.
MacLachlan starred in the 1984 version of Dune, which was directed by his friend and frequent collaborator, David Lynch. That film was famously impenetrable to mainstream audiences, and while the actor doesn't exactly consider it to be a catastrophe, he acknowledged in a recent interview with IndieWire some of the inherent difficulties in bringing the property to the screen.
"My feelings about [Lynch's film] evolve over time. I look at it as a flawed gem. It's stunning in so many ways. [...] It's incredibly dense, and a little bit like a house of cards. If you leave out one element of the story or another, the structure tends to wobble, and you don't get the full effect."
MacLachlan went on to explain that it's not that he thinks the property is unadaptable — just that director Denis Villeneuve might need more than his planned two feature films in order to properly tell the story. He continued,
"I would lobby for three or more films, because it has that kind of potential to really open up. In my imagination, I always thought it would be great to approach it like a Game of Thrones model, where you have seasons, or at least a 10-part series, or a 12-part series."
Both before and after Lynch's film, many talented directors including the likes of Ridley Scott and Peter Berg tried and failed to adapt Dune to the big screen.
First, the quality of the prose itself in Herbert's novel invites readers to view its world rather subjectively; it's an extremely literary work that doesn't easily lend itself to visual interpretation. As MacLachlan puts it,
"There's a mysticism about it that is difficult to capture on film."
Second, and more importantly, the novel sports an enormous cast of characters, none of whom are unimportant or easily excised, and all of whom form a complex web of relationships that is absolutely key to the narrative.
"They're full people, and you want to spend time with each one of them. And that eats up your film time. It's a real puzzle. It's just so many elements that you have to bring together." Keep watching the video to see how the original Dune star has an ominous warning for the 2020 remake.
#Dune #Dune 2020
Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/238040/original-dune-star-has-an-ominous-warning-for-the-2020-remake/