Strange World: 20 Things You Missed
Disney is here to take us on a journey to a strange new world, a world that’s both familiar and alien. Join Jake Gyllenhaal as he goes on an adventure with his family to help secure a legacy that he can pass onto his children. As the Clades make their way through an unfamiliar land, we’ll go over several easter eggs you may have missed during your initial viewing. Be it the microbiology that inspired the monsters, or the references to Frozen and other Disney films, this movie had a lot packed into it. There’s also a surprising number of Marvel easter eggs that you may have missed, which is fitting considering they’re owned by Disney, and this is the first Disney movie to sport the Disney 100 logo, setting the tone for a new age of films! And much like how there are things you may have missed regarding the Marvel references, you may have missed a few classic film tropes there as well. From Star Wars to Akira Kurosawa, this movie is unashamed to wear its influences on its sleeves. Speaking of sleeves, there’s even easter eggs in the costumes! But you’ll have to watch to find out about those. There was a lot of effort put into the character work, more than you might expect. It’s clear that Disney wants Splat to be on every lunchbox in the nation, and there was a lot of ingenuity put into his creation. Let’s see what you missed in Disney’s Strange World!
0:00 - Intro
0:26 - Pulp-Fiction (No, Not that one)
1:15 - I am Leg-end
2:00 - Pando-monium
2:39 - Some tastes are Universal
3:08 - Coming out of your shell
3:56 - A Technical achievement
4:31 - New Movie, New World
4:50 - Comical Origins
5:33 - Mysterious Fuel
6:14 - The face of a friend
7:05 - Under the Sea
7:47 - Microbiology is sick
8:33 - It’s time to duel!
9:17 - Daring Duds
9:56 - Yeah, I want one too
10:35 - What’s in a name?
11:17 - A Timeless Technique
12:03 - 100 Years of Wonder
12:59 - The Dad after tomorrow
13:56 - The Biggest influence
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Written by: Joshua Clinton
Narrated by: Patrice S. @Patricesroom
Edited by: Patrice S. @Patricesroom
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