The Full History Of Appa In Avatar The Last Airbender
Did you know these facts about Appa from Avatar The Last Airbender?
There are tons of great characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is a huge part of the reason for its success. But while we’ve taken the time to go over some of our favorite human characters, we’re now going to focus on our favorite flying bison. Seriously, where would Avatar Aang be without the help of his sidekick Appa? He’s much more than simply a convenient form of transportation, and we’ll take a look at his early character design and talk about why creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko didn’t end up incorporating spiral horns into the finished creature. There’s also quite a bit to his backstory, including a time when he was captured by Sandbenders and helped people in the Fire Nation. Let’s take a look at Team Avatar’s journey through the eyes of Appa, and learn what real-life creature his live action counterpart was based on. And here’s a hint: it’s surprisingly not a bison! There are tons of animal mashups in this fictional universe but this one might just be everyone’s favorite.
What do you think about the role this sky-hoofed undulate had in the series? Are you hoping to see more of Appa in the live action version when it comes to Netflix? Share your favorite memory of Appa with us in the comment section below and don’t forget to click on the subscribe button for more of the latest and greatest content from us here at Screen Rant.
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Written by: Nomde Plume
Narrated by: Grant Kellett @Gtalkstoomuch
Edited by: Ma Guinto
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