THE LAST OF US: Episode 7 Easter Eggs & Breakdown
The last of us returns with a flashback episode. This week Ellie has to take care of a gravely injured Joel while remembering when she lost someone very important to her. This week we get an episode based on The Last of Us’s stand alone DLC Left Behind. And we didn’t even have to pay any extra for it!. Yes, this week we meet Reilly, Ellie's first and tragic love. The two orphans escape there orphanage and head out into the big wide world, which by that i mean a bostons trip mall. Yes it’s video games and costume shops as the two teenagers spend a magical night together that may end up being there last!
Join Max Lichtig and Screen Rant as they break down the latest episode from all the hidden easter eggs to the hottest details you missed. Don’t forget to like and subscribe and hit the bell to be notified of all the latest videos covering the biggest franchises from Marvel to Star Wars!
0:00 - Intro
0:11 - DLC
1:23 - Savage Starlight
3:20 - Movies
4:33 - Lost Culture
5:29 - Mortal Kombat
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Written by: Chris Goodmakers
Narrated by: Max Lichtig
Edited by: @thatsaspacestation