The Untold Truth Of Dude Perfect's Cory Cotton
As the #1 sports channel on YouTube, Dude Perfect has thrown its members — twins Cory and Coby Cotton, Garrett Hilbert, Cody Jones, and Tyler Toney — directly into the streaming spotlight for over a decade. Centered on trick shots, battles, and variety comedy, Dude Perfect has taken its particular brand of sports and turned it into an empire that now encompasses multiple channels, mobile games, a TV series, and a live tour.
While the Dude Perfect dudes seemingly live their entire lives in front of millions of fans, there’s a lot you might not don’t know about them. We’ve got the scoop on younger twin Cory: here’s the untold truth of Dude Perfect's Cory Cotton.
#DudePerfect #CoryCotton #YouTuber
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