Things Only Adults Notice In Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Action-comedy "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" didn't fare well at the box office when it came out back in 2010, but critics liked it and it has since gained a cult following. But how well has it aged? If you loved it as a teen, will those fond feelings remain if you rewatch it a decade later? Films like "Free Guy" owe at least a little bit to "Pilgrim" and its heavy use of video game tropes and effects, but you could argue that the politics of "Pilgrim" don't really hold up in 2021. Curious about how the film stands up? Here are a few things only adults notice in "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World."
#ScottPilgrim #ScottPilgrimVsTheWorld
Dating a high schooler | 0:00
"Manic Pixie Dream Girl" | 1:56
Hyper-sexualized | 3:41
Tokenized | 5:00
Scott Pilgrim is a loser | 6:00
Chris Evans | 7:00
No autonomy | 7:59
The "Bechdel test" | 9:06
Scott doesn't learn | 10:01
Toxic masculinity | 11:21
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