Watch This Before You See The Suicide Squad
The original Suicide Squad from 2016 is generally considered to be the low point in the DC cinematic universe, so the prospect of a sequel sounds pretty grim. After all, the original flick was called "ugly and boring" (Vanity Fair), "ugly trash" (The Wall Street Journal), and "anything but super" (Rolling Stone). But then again, 2021's The Suicide Squad (yep, that's the name) has James Gunn, the visionary behind Guardians of the Galaxy, at the helm. Is his vision enough to make the follow-up decent? Want to know what you're getting yourself into before you commit? Watch this before you see The Suicide Squad.
#SuicideSquad #TheSuicideSquad #DCEU
Release Date | 0:00
The Cast | 0:44
Who’s Gonna Die? | 2:18
What’s the plot? | 3:22
How about the trailers? | 4:56
Sequel or reboot? | 6:09
A Peacemaker spinoff | 7:36
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